Hayward Johnson Jr.
Hip Hop
Hayward Johnson Jr is a street hip-hop dancer raised in Dallas, TX. Inspired by pop icons like Prince and Michael Jackson, he started teaching himself how to pop, groove, wave, krump, and animate. In high school, he founded his own hip-hop club called, Abstract Motion, which kicked off his love for choreography. In college, he became a leading officer and choreographer for Texas Tech’s first hip-hop dance organization called, “Dancers With Soul: Hip-Hop Team.” With DWS, he performed in TTU men’s and women’s basketball half-time shows, club concerts, community events, and was even the opening act for the famous rapper/hip-hop artist, Wale. Hayward can also be found freestyling in Todrick Hall’s music video, “Haterz” and tv show, Todrick. Although performing was his first love, giving back to the community quickly topped it when he started teaching dance at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Lubbock, TX. As his passion for teaching grew, he accepted a position to teach and choreograph for Olympic figure skaters at the Dallas Star. Upon returning home, he also revived Abstract Motion as an after school program that aims to teach youth about the arts and developing good moral character. In 2020, he decided to enter the competition dance world. Choreographing for competitive studios, his hip hop pieces not only placed in the overalls at every competition, but won 1st overall in the advanced division, two Pastry: Hip Hop Excellence awards, and highest scoring routines of the entire competition. Hayward’s main goal is to instill the heart and soul of hip-hop dance into the studio world. He aims to inspire all youth to have fun, break molds, and love the skin they’re in.